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Supply Chain Technology Goes Virtual


In these times of $4 gal gasoline, cancelled flights fromto major cities, and cutbacks in "woekdifnfsd",Tiffany Jewelry Sale, corporate travel, reaching Buyers of Supply Chain Technology goes Virtual. The Very First Virtual Event for Supply Chain Technology, Supply Chain E-Venture, will take place on March 17-18, 2009 on the net. The event will?draw?up to 50 of the leading Supply Chain Technology providers for this two day event. Only the pioneers with vision?in the industry will take a sponsor position?in this event.?Sponsors of the event will?be those entrepreneurs that take educated risks and know that virtual events?of all kinds are only going to increase from here on out. They know that the 1.4 million worldwide users are growing younger each year and they are right at home on their desk top computers.?

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To draw the current worldwide Buyers of Supply Chain Technology we will advertise and partner with 28+- industry publications, educational and trade associations. We are expecting 4,000 - 6,000 virtual visitors from around the globe and look forward to providing a venue they can easily get to?that showcases the latest in Supply Chain Technology from the leaders in the ,Tiffany Jewellery Outlet, industry.


These savvy 马克eters at the leading Supply Chain Technology companies also know that a Virtual Event is?more cost effective to participate ,Tiffany Jewelry On Sale, in as opposed to a live event. For example, on a recent telephone and email campaign to find out what the average costs were to participate in a live event, here is what we found out. To participate in a leading event held in April in Cleveland OH, three companies told us what they spent. Company 1, had a 10X10 booth space and after all expenses it cost them $14,000.00. Company 2, had a 10X20 and their cost was $20,000.00 Company 3, had a 20X20?and their total cost was $40,000. Supply Chain E-Venture is priced in 6 sponsor levels from $8,000.00 - $25,000.?There is only one top sponsor position for a cost of $25,000.00, and the rest range from $8,000.00 - $16,000.00. Companies that sign up ,Tiffany Rings, by October 7, 2008 receive an additional 15百分之百 discount. That’s a savings of $1200.00 - $2400.00


For about the cost of one page full color advertisement in one industry publication, smart Supply Chain Technology companies will reach the cream of the crop of Buyers in up to 28 industry publications. It’s almost a no-brainer for the top dogs in the industry as they embrace the future of their sales leads. The top sponsors will also have an incredible branding opportunity for their companies because ,Tiffany Accessories, their logos will be placed on all the advertisements. To reach these same people individually would cost them well over $150,000.00.


Unlike the professionals in the mid 80’s who were afraid of the computer because they couldn’t type,?Bill Gates?with the mouse?and time has?changed?everything. Many of the users of this technology in worldwide companies have grown up with computers and are quite comfortable navigating around the net. Also, Supply ,Tiffany Bracelet, Chain Technology has evolved over the last 23 years to be more cost effective for most companies to have and?easier to use.?More importantly than ever, companies must rely on this technology to cut costs across the board, or die, especially in the world economy of late 2008.


The ,Tiffany Charms, leaders who embrace this New method?in their?马克eting?campaigns?will not only reap great returns on their investment NOW, but will be better prepared to present themselves to?future Buyers?in the next 5 to 10 years and beyond. I firmly believe that those that do, will be the leading providers of Supply Chain Technology as we go into the future.


***?Mike Dulaney, Director ~?Online E-Ventures Inc.?~?701 Ridgeview Dr. ~?Morgantown PA. 19543?*** 610-450-4553





Par liandongmei8 le mardi 26 avril 2011


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